
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Purim!

Hello all. For the first time in the Land family, we are celebrating the Purim Festival! This is a celebration to remember the time when God saved some of His people ( the Jews from the tribe of Judah ) from the wicked Haman. The History of this event is found in the book of Ester in the Bible! God worked in the heart of one Jewish girl named Hadassah and saved the entire tribe of Judah!!! One reason why I believe that this is a great festival for Christians to celebrate is this; the tribe of Judah are our brothers and sisters AND, if God had allowed there destruction then Jesus ( being also from the tribe of Judah ) would have NEVER been born, therefor we would never have been redeemed by His sacrifice on the cross!! SO, all that to say, we had a GREAT time celebrating this weekend!
First we read about the history of the book of Ester while eating a very NICE breakfast! Then, all sat around and listened to mom read the story out of the WORD. It was really fun actually cause every time we got to the word HAMAN we all yelled "BOOOOOOOO!" Even Ben joined in on this one! Sammy added that she wanted to yell "YEAH!!!" for Mordecai so we did that as well! The girls also played the various rolls of characters in the book while I read.. that was fun!
Also, it's tradition to dress up which is symbolic of how Ester had to change her name and "hide" that she was Jewish. There are some pics below of that:)
We also had fun making some mishlot manots ( I know I'm spelling all this wrong!!!). Those are Jewish food baskets/gifts that they give on Purim. They especially do this for the poor so that everyone will be able to celebrate and feast that day! We made peanut clusters, chocolate covered strawberries and regular strawberries cleaned and ready to go. YUM!
Lastly, the girls received a Purim gift from us ( zoobles:) and then we watched "One Night With the King," the Ester story in modern movie form ( free on Netflix!)
We had a really great time remembering what God did way back then, but we can also fast forward to what Jesus did for us, and then fast forward some more and remember God's promise to come back!! He NEVER breaks his promises!! TRUST IN HIM!!!

Kayla looks so old in this one!

My sweetie!

Super man!!!

I gave him his cape early so he could be superman for Purim! So cute!

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